Darkfall unholy wars or mortal online
Darkfall unholy wars or mortal online

I don't feel as guilty afking in this game as others because i can just go gather mats, or salvage drops or level up a craft. Another obsticle that you must over come if you are to enjoy this game is the cherry pickers (High level prowess people camping exits of safe zones). Find ways to take advantage of the time required by this game to do other things. It will take time and persistance to accomplish things in this game. Let me start off by saying this - this game is a time sink. When i talk to other people about mmo's they've played we always revert back to our nostalgic days of our first MMO. Alot of my friends and I started on dark age and found it to be one of the most enjoyable experiences of our gaming history. Yeah the list is pretty long =p what can I say i love the hobby that is computer gaming. I've played: Dark Age of Camelot / Guild Wars / Lineage / WoW / Age of Conan / Aion / Mortal Online / Rift / SWToR / Guild Wars 2 and finally. I'm a avid pvper who only pve's if needed. To give you an understanding of my MMO play style, i will let you know what games i've played and thus draw comparisions to them with Darkfall Unholy Wars. The amount of complaining because someone is to lazy to take the time to learn or read is honestly embarrasing for the mmo community and people wonder why they can't find quality games anymore. I just wanted to express my opinion on Darkfall because i've been reading the boards the last few nights during the downtime and some of the opinions and rants I feel are greatly mis informed.

Darkfall unholy wars or mortal online